Learning a language is such a fascinating process. Learning Spanish was a new and novel experience for me and I had not the slightest idea if what I was experiencing during the learning process was unique to my situation and learning style or similar to other people’s. Two months after arriving in at the Bangkok airport I think I am a lot closer to answering that question. My experiences with both Spanish and Thai have been very similar and I believe that most people go through a similar process. The latter declaration is where the doubt arises and why my statement lacks absolute affirmation of knowing the answer. My experience has been similar in learning both languages, but that is comparing apples and apples. Although an analysis of my own language learning patterns does not definitively answer the question, through speaking with many people, both in my PC group and other friends who have learned a foreign language, I can confidently say that through the entirety of the process many parallels exist, even among diverse language backgrounds and learning styles.
Studying a foreign language is a rollercoaster ride complete with drops, rises, loops, and spins. The rises and falls can occur in any given interval: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly. A breakthrough occurs and you are on top of the world, but the ecstasy of finally understanding a simple sentence can be rapidly transformed into the agony of defeat over a simple use of poor pronunciation. I remember my first night spent in Guatemala like it was just yesterday and the reason, more than a dramatically different culture, was the sudden understanding of the enormity of the task of learning this new language. It is easy to avoid any substantial conversation your first few hours of living with a new host family, but inevitably you must eat. Dinner is truly the time of reckoning. No amount of delay or distraction can free you from the inevitable first “true” conversation. It is a frightening experience, but the astounding ingenuity of the human mind truly comes to the fore to pull you through. It is remarkable how an understanding can be achieved with no more than ten mutually comprehensible words available among the two parties involved. Gestures, grunts, and facial expressions rule the roost during these trying times. Inevitably you leave the table simultaneously experiencing exhilaration and despair. The memories of these first encounters will stay with me as long as I live and the chance to experience it two times has suddenly become one of the most fascinating events in my 25 years of being.
It has been claimed that after you learn one foreign language it is much easier to learn subsequent ones. Like my earlier solo debate, this concept necessitates my analysis and ensuing conclusion. The principal point of consternation is the definition of the word “easy”. Does this mean that grammar is easier, that words make more sense, that the brain functions in a different manner, or that one magically acquires the ability to learn through “osmosis”? I can not say with certainty that “easy” can be defined by any one of the aforementioned definitions, but I can provide my own personal opinion. I think learning Thai has been easier than learning Spanish for the simple reason that I have hindsight. Given this fact, I am more easily able to cope with the language acquisition process. Hindsight has been invaluable in allowing me to reflect on my first language learning experience and apply my shortcomings and success to the current process. One of the most prevalent examples is the fact that the scary rollercoaster with drops, rises, loops, and twists has become a ride on the lazy river at the adjacent water park. When I start to feel anxiety about the pace of my language acquisition I can step back and tell myself that it is a long process and I have a concrete personal example to assure my mind that this really is the truth. When a word continually slips my mind, I have tried and true methods to fall back on that assuage the frustration. I know that this subject seems rather random, but every good solo debate has a story behind it.
Tonight I had one of those language experiences that shoots you to the peak of that rollercoaster. I was eating dinner with my host family and like most other dinners it doubled as a language lesson. I am now to a point where I am beginning to be able to speak and understand Thai sufficiently to feel comfortable at the dinner table. I had my trusty flash cards and my host dad was helping me read some of the more difficult words I had written in Thai on the front of the cards. I’m not quite sure when it happened, but we started talking about the phone calls I receive from the US. My host dad has found it quite amusing to tell me that I need to start answering my calls from the US in Thai. Although I have my own room, the walls in my house do not reach the roof and therefore my family can hear all of my conversations. Granted, they can’t understand them, but they sure can hear them...but I digress. After discussing this for a short time we started discussing how I answer the phone in English. I told them that all I say is “hello”. Well, this was a moment of enlightenment for my host mom. In Thai they answer the phone by saying, “hello, sawat dii khrap.” I have seen “sawat dii” translated as several things but most often it is translated as “hello”. When I told my family that “hello” was an English word and that “sawat dii” meant “hello” they couldn’t believe it. Although I didn’t completely understand everything my host mom was saying, the gist of it was that it was very absurd that Thais are actually saying “sawat dii, sawat dii” or “hello, hello”. The enormity of the experience did not lie in the fact that we realized that Thais say “hello, hello” when they answer the phone, but rather in the fact that at that moment I realized that I understood the whole conversation, and it was more than a simple exchange of greetings. Now maybe it is more apparent why some people love studying languages. What seem as the most inconsequential daily events can actually carry so much meaning and bring so much joy.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
The Journey
The Peace Corps was pretty adamant that they buy our bus tickets for us in advance because that weekend was the start of the Chinese New Year. Well they booked us a ticket leaving Bangkok at 11:30 pm for a 5.5 hour bus ride to our host PCV’s site. That means we arrived at her site at a little after 5:00 am. Great timing! We could have left at noon and been there at 5:00 pm, but that would have been too easy. Amazingly enough, Quilen and I got assigned to visit the same volunteer. I swear I can’t get away from that guy! Anyway, we had to get on a pickup truck/taxi and ride about 1 km for the outrageous price of 50 baht a piece. We got to her site and went directly to bed. To sum things up, the PCV site visit was pretty much a waste of time. We really just hung out and BS’ed. We stayed one night and I was on my way to Chiang Mai.
The highway to the town where my SAO is located runs directly through one of the first national parks in Thailand. The park is home to Thailand’s highest peak and a sight to be seen. The forests and landscapes were gorgeous and as the road wound its way up and down the mountains the vegetation constantly changed. It went from green jungle, to dry monsoon forest, to deciduous forests dispersed with pine trees. The road had enough curves to make even a Latin beauty jealous and was enough to make sick. For the first time in my life I got road sick and we had to stop alongside the road for me to take a precious few minutes. Soon after we stopped for my malady we arrived at the SAO. The decentralization of the government only began to take place after the new constitution of 1997 therefore nearly all Thai SAOs were constructed less than 10 years ago. The exception was mine. It is supposedly a temporary site to house the SAO until they have enough funds to relocate it in the sub-district that it represents. As I stated in my last blog, the location of my SAO is at least three hours by pickup truck from the actual location of the sub-district. The following day I would find out why. The current SAO is no more than what seems to be an oversized garage with several desks placed in side. Everything was spared for simplicity. I met the remaining staff who seemed to very genuine people, went to have a traditional Thai lunch with everyone spooning food onto their plates from common dishes with the utensils they have been eating with, and then study Thai for a few hours until closing time.
After many introductions we proceeded to a house where the SAO staff was preparing several chicken dishes. One was called what came to be translated as “underwater chicken.” It consisted of every part of a whole chicken put into a big pot, thoroughly mixed with seasonings, placed on a stove, covered with a bowl full of water, and left to cook. The purpose of the water in the bowl outside of the pot has continued to elude me, but “underwater chicken” it was. While that was cooking four of us hopped a fence to reach a dry rice patty where we dug a small hole where a cook-off would take place. A bottle of empty Thai whiskey was filled with water, a seasoned chicken was secured to the top, and an oversized tin can was placed over the top. We then placed copious amounts of rice straw on top and then proceeded to light it on fire and continue adding more for the next 15-20 minutes. It seemed like they quit putting straw on it rather prematurely, but the can was removed and I was immediately fed the first taste of the chicken. It was mighty tasty, but I am pretty convinced that my inability to properly chew it before I swallowed meant that there may have been a touch on the rare side. I ate it without protest. After the chickens were cooked we loaded up in the trucks in the direction of the river.
We arrived at the banks of the river and I saw one of the coolest “restaurants” I have encountered in all my travels. A few inches over the placid waters of the river and lit up by lights and candles were at least seven individual bamboo platforms covered by palm roofs. A small table was placed in the center and each person took their place sitting in the traditional Thai cross-legged style. We also sat in gender segregated platforms, yet another manifestation of Thai culture. We ate and drank for hours. The underwater chicken was served and was pretty tasty if you could get past the whole head and feet mixed up in the jumble of other body parts. Khun Chet inconspicuously helped himself to the eyeballs of from the chicken head and then no so inconspicuously explained to me in detail how he loved to eat the chicken brains while he ate them. The experience was nearly perfect, the only flaw being the need for me to be constantly shifting my sitting position due to the fact that I am probably the most non-flexible person this side of the Pacific Ocean. Sitting cross-legged was never in my repertoire in the US and it has been a chore getting used to it here. We finished eating and went back to Khun No’s house to supposedly prepare for our departure for my village early the next morning. After having traveled for many hours the past few days I needed no pressuring to get me to retire to the comfort of my sleeping bag placed strategically on the tile floor. The rest of the staff apparently didn’t have the same attitude and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning watching soccer and drinking Thai whiskey.
This is going to be a long one....bare with me!
After visiting the schools were heading through town where I met the Nayok or elected CEO of the SAO. It was specifically stated that he was known for his excessive drinking habits, but first impressions portrayed a quite man that was very interested in my presence in his community. After a brief talk we drove out of the village and ended up in the “Hill Tribe Resource Center” which sits just outside of the village. I soon met Ajan Tete who is an Indian lady that speaks perfect English and who has been living in Thailand for more than twenty years. She is an evangelical Christian who is married to a Karen man and has been working with the hill tribe people to help them reduce their indices of poverty and increase their educational opportunity. Given my views on religion I was rather skeptical of her motivations and my ability to identify with her goals. I entered with an open mind and I was rewarded greatly. Ajan Tete is an amazing lady and was elated to have me working in the community because she viewed me as a partner who could help her in her community development efforts. She offered to allow me to stay at her center the whole time I would be a PCV and any other help I needed. We had dinner and as I ate I noticed the air getting steadily cooler. At that point I truly knew we were in the mountains. It reminded me of being in the Bighorns and as soon as the sun disappeared behind the peaks the temperature had went from summer to late fall in the matter of minutes. We retired to our rooms. When I woke up in the morning the degree to which the night had cooled off the area was astounding. The first breath that came out of my mouth was a steady puff of white steam. I felt like I was camping and had just woken up and was scampering for the fire as I ran to my backpack to find as many layers of clothing as possible. I’m not sure the exact temperature, but I’m sure it was not as cold as I thought it was, it was simple exacerbated by the fact that I had been living in god awful heat for the previous five weeks. I made a mental note to myself that I must not forget to purchase one of the famous Thai electric water heaters. Two years of comfort is far more valuable than the $150 it will cost to buy it!
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